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- 其他
for gauging the creepage and clearance distances in dead state
between parts under voltage in the operating conditions as well as between touchable
metal pieces and parts under voltage in the operating conditions
e. g. in installation material, switchgears, plugs, socket-outlets and electric appliances
Standard Outfit:
1 gauge block, cross section approx. 1 mm x 1 mm, distances between measuring
faces by agreement from 1 mm to 8 mm with a tolerance of -0.02 mm,
with shaft, cross section approx. 2 mm x 1 mm,
and with grip, approx. 12 mm x 40 mm x 1 mm,
rounded, with bore and engraving
(distance / mm, e. g. "5,0").
Design: made of spring steel, hardened and browned, measuring faces ground plane
parallel, total length approx. 70 mm, Article No.: L 25.XY
with XY = distance between measuring faces in 1/10 mm. Example: the article no. of the
creepage distance gauge having a distance between measuring faces of 3,5 mm is: L 25.35